Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The piece of God in us

'When we were born'

When we were conceived,

God attached 

His small piece to our being;

Lent to give us our empathy,

To serve as our surrogate sensual soul!

When we do things to be happy,

That tiny God-piece is happy,

And that's the way it should be;

As we age, the God-piece trends and wends

Back to the universal self:

We are all just 'one'!

Thanks for reading;
Please give me comments,
& feedback.

Errol Weiss Schlabach

Friday, August 16, 2013

Essence of our life's pursuit! A poem by Errrol

'Life's Pursuit'

Our essence,

The rock solid core of the reason 

We ceaselessly pursue to reach what:

That summit of our quintessence,

(Our essential crest)

It drives us! 

Eternally, it creates strive in us!

Most perhaps settle and accept

stark, barren, shallow end!

I will not!!!

That perfect Elysium peak is possible.

Errol Weiss Weiss Schlabach  
August 16, 2013

Please give me comments and feedback!

God Bless

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

When you've suffered a cussing from another brother!

If you have suffered the infliction of cussing from a near or distant 'brother',
the impact can be grueling

A dear friend of mine suffered such an attack.
and I was moved to write this poem.

I hope the meaning will move you to reflect, 
and never inflict such a barrage!

'Day Of Emotional Infringement'

I apologize
   From the Higher Power,

For the pain you felt,
   Rape of your inner core;

Four letter words sent,
   Balistic with evil intent,

Inflicts rent on your soul,
   The part of God you rent!

Sincerely from 
Errol Weiss Schlabach
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and look onto my Blog frequently!!!!