Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Make Your Performance 'You', In The 'Edition' of 'You'!

Make Your Performance 'You',
In The 'Edition' of 'You'!

You have left the quiet place within, where you work at your pace and your personal expression. The tense, compact concern with ornaments, exact cadenzas, and exact phrasing of your particular solo’s published edition reveals a concentration on what your critics are going to think----what your former teachers would mark wrong.  Throw away all those 'tapes' of your old teachers and critics!

Remember this:
Mozart wrote almost no ornaments, phrasing, or cadenzas into his original parts, --- scores.
In his era, those were improvised by the soloists, changing sometimes with every performance, slightly or radically. Ornaments now accepted in popular editions were added by the editors; the phrasing and accepted cadenzas were also chosen by the editors; in the time of Mozart, cadenzas were the ad lib solos for the artist, changing with every performance.  Many contemporary young classical artists are now adopting this practice.

I mention all this to let you adopt the attitude that all ornaments, phrasing, and cadenzas are not written in stone-are in fact arbitrary;
you can change, add, or skip a few,
as Jean-Pierre Rampal and Galway amply did in their Bach Sonata recordings.  
Martin Frost is a young Classical clarinet soloist, much touted by critics, that is very subjective and liberal in his ornamental and cadenza selections.  Eddie Daniels has a recent Copland Clarinet Concerto Youtube performance, where in he improvises 90% of the cadenza, completely foreign to Copland's original written material.

So don't concentrate on the ornaments, phrasing, and editorially added detail, but rather on what Mozart, or any other composer invented;---YOUR take on what they meant in their voluptuous   melodic materials and structures.  This is what will be heard and savored by all in your performance, friends, audience, critics, each and all.  (Make coordinated phrasing of the motifs as they are repeated and developed in all parts of the piece, especially in the development sections.)

I'm just trying to relax and convince all performers, that this is your performance, not the editors 'clone version'; take the materials as you will and express your music.

Errol Weiss Schlabach

Please leave feedback and comments!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The piece of God in us

'When we were born'

When we were conceived,

God attached 

His small piece to our being;

Lent to give us our empathy,

To serve as our surrogate sensual soul!

When we do things to be happy,

That tiny God-piece is happy,

And that's the way it should be;

As we age, the God-piece trends and wends

Back to the universal self:

We are all just 'one'!

Thanks for reading;
Please give me comments,
& feedback.

Errol Weiss Schlabach

Friday, August 16, 2013

Essence of our life's pursuit! A poem by Errrol

'Life's Pursuit'

Our essence,

The rock solid core of the reason 

We ceaselessly pursue to reach what:

That summit of our quintessence,

(Our essential crest)

It drives us! 

Eternally, it creates strive in us!

Most perhaps settle and accept

stark, barren, shallow end!

I will not!!!

That perfect Elysium peak is possible.

Errol Weiss Weiss Schlabach  
August 16, 2013

Please give me comments and feedback!

God Bless

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

When you've suffered a cussing from another brother!

If you have suffered the infliction of cussing from a near or distant 'brother',
the impact can be grueling

A dear friend of mine suffered such an attack.
and I was moved to write this poem.

I hope the meaning will move you to reflect, 
and never inflict such a barrage!

'Day Of Emotional Infringement'

I apologize
   From the Higher Power,

For the pain you felt,
   Rape of your inner core;

Four letter words sent,
   Balistic with evil intent,

Inflicts rent on your soul,
   The part of God you rent!

Sincerely from 
Errol Weiss Schlabach
Please comment and remark,
and look onto my Blog frequently!!!!

Friday, July 26, 2013

2 Ways to live your life: by nature, or by grace!

How will you live your life?

There are two ways of embracing life:
Approach it by nature, or by grace.

If by grace, we love by giving,  
with complete acceptance of the beloved,
with no expectations or contingencies to be fulfilled;

If by nature, the love we give will be fulfilling to one's self, 
controlling, with expectations and limits upon the beloved.

Those who live by grace?: 
---never reap a bad end.

God Bless,
Errol Weiss Schlabach

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Play another Paquito piece, Cantrodanze

Paquito’s composition.
A great read and lesson in control!
July 25, 2013

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Play 'Tico tico', Paquito DeRivera's version!

I transcribed this from Paquito's 1996 recording.  Enjoy!!!

Please reverse the 2nd &  3 rd pages.  Thank you.

Haiku poem on Love's mystery by Errol

Haiku on Love's Mystery

Soul in desert sands;

Cool breeze carries to nice niche:

Ceaseless spellbound rapture!

July 23/24, 2013

Errol Weiss Schlabach

Please give me feedback and comments!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Poem!: Errol Writes of the Evolution of Man!

Errol’s ‘Leaves Of Grass’

Whitman wrote ‘Leaves Of Grass’,
Alluding to the multitude of peoples;
Of the earth, ---of all Times;
Of their crafts, ---all their crimes!

I write of nighttime ‘Leaves Of Grass’:
The Billions!,
Holding thousands of Glow-Worm shimmers,
Their light-filled glimmers;
What life they accord the dusk!

Whether by the action rush of all Time’s peoples;
Whether by a billion grasses,
With Glow-Worm’s slowly climbing;
Civilization flourishes by ‘Leaves Of Grass’!

July 23, 2013
Errol Weiss Schlabach

Please leave comment and feedback!
Errol Weiss Schlabach

Friday, July 19, 2013

Watch Errol Soloing on Long Island this summer with the Nassau Pops!

Watch Errol Soloing on Long Island this summer with the Nassau Pops!

Just type 'Errol Weiss' into the
Youtube search bar.

Please give me comments and feedback.
Sincerely & God Bless,
Errol Weiss Schlabach

Great 'Dizzy' advice for all improvisors!!!

Here’s a blog for all improvising musicians.

This is a Dizzy Gillespie quote:

“Some people have a note(s) and put a beat to it; some people have a beat and put a note(s) to it.”
Having said that, he walked away, as a true master, to leave the listener to figure it out.

Clue: He did the latter;
Who could have swung more.

Sincerely and God Bless,
Errol Weiss Schlabach

Please leave feedback and comments!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

New & Giant, Important Tip To Be Treasured!

Giant, Important Tip To Be Treasured!

Here’s the scenario: there’s this little phrase that you get hung up on; every time you attempt to play this ‘lick’ you tense up and fail to play it correctly.
Do you know what’s wrong?  Your brain signal’s not strong enough, so when you go to play the phrase, your motor neuron system that controls your muscles, does not know what to do; the function for that particular movement has not been properly and correctly learned!

The Solution:
Look at or think of the passage and concentrate on using only the small muscles of your hands, with no help or thought from the muscles of your forearm, upper arm, or shoulders.  Now, very slowly, strongly press the fingering for each note of the passage, the pressure being only from the small finger muscle.  Do this 3 consecutive times.  Then mentally play the passage.

Now play the passage without prior thought; only imagine playing it correctly as you would like as you actually perform it.

You'll be amazed at the difference, effortlessly playing it with control, the way you like.  And that word ‘effortlessly’ is not a ‘throw away term’!  You must not ‘try’ to play it; you just do it, relaxed and without anxious fore-thought.
Your motor skills have now ‘learned’ the movelent.

Errol Weiss Schlabach 

Saturday, May 11, 2013

New, most valuable of tips: 'Slow' learns and must precede 'Fast'

  Propioceptal & Exteroceptal Memory

I apologize for the forbidding words, terms, and elocutions, but they’re the secret key to performing successfully.
Playing the clarinet, the piano, or any other musical instrument is a function of the central nervous system; to practice a musical instrument is to train the central nervous system. 

When a troubling technical passage is encountered, we must search the central nervous system for a way to conquer the difficulty.

Propioceptal (as opposed the to Exteroceptive-touch, or tactile memory) is our movement memory:
When walking up a stairs, we learn the height of the stairs for the next climb; when we use the left hand little finger to play ‘C’ before a right little finger Eb on Clarinet, our central nervous system has learned the touch sensation of the fingering sequence, but also the muscle movement of the fingering: the proprioceptal memory.

The great treasure of this discovery is the gigantic benefit in everyday practice.
Rushing headlong into playing a musical passage at full, final performing tempo is a sure journey to failure.
The small muscles must be trained first!
This is done by letting all the big muscles of the arm, the shoulders and the upper arm, completely relax, letting only the completely relaxed fingers ‘finger’ the passage pianissimo with slow, strong pressing of fingers, in this way saving that proprioceptal memory on the brain’s hard drive.
A quick drill is to play a Lick kept in your improvisatory back pocket: Listen to this memory, and then slowly press and play each note, with strong, relaxed touch, and think of each finger motion and force as you savor these notes.
Now play the ‘lick’ again at tempo, and I guarantee the improvement will be amazing!
The treasure of this discovery is that you will now be strengthening the ‘Inhibitory’ process of your motor neuron system.

The central nervous system controls our movements by ‘Excitatory and Inhibitory’ control.  The Inhibitory is the most difficult to obtain and use and unfortunately, the first to lose.

Playing always fast repetitions results in the overlapping of propioceptal memory, and hence your performance sounds rhythmically uneven.

So now, we must consider the two ways our central nervous system controls our movements: by ‘Ecitatory and Inhibatory’ control.
One great way to practice ‘Inhibitory’ control, is to slow down, or stop at ANY point as you play; then play again and speed up at will; but then slow, or even stop-start-stop, and then play slow to fast to slow, completely at random.
The control you will now have over any passage thus offered will be phenomenal.  

Playing slow (Inhibitatorial movements) trains the evenness and clarity of our performing: When we play fast, the ‘Excitatory’ element quickly ‘kicks in’, and the performance is beautiful.

Keep tuned in to my blog;
Updated information will be rapidly added.

Errol Weiss Schlabach

Please give me comments and feedback.


Saturday, April 13, 2013

April 13, 2013 post: So sorry for the recent lack of writing, hence my explanation!

Dear Readers-
So sorry for the stretch between postings of woodwind nature and lore!!!
I am busy writing my own original arrangements and practicing for a concert series this summer, whereon I will be soloing on the compositions of the 5 main composers of the Great American Songbook (1926 to 1966).  This will be with the Nassau Pops Orchestra, from June 18 to July 19.  Please try to attend if in this area.
Newly posted articles will appear in the next several weeks, I promise!!!
One on how "Excitation and Inhibition" plays such an important part in the regulation of our central nervous system, and how this affects our motor skills--- the fingers!!!!
The 2nd will be Etude #14: 'Contemporary Arpeggios', since current works are so much focusing on 4th and 6/9 chords.  
Traditional triads and 7th chord practice no longer prepares for a facile technique in contemporary works. These etudes will familiarize you with these unusual structures.

Please check frequently for these exciting and informative posts.
Please, please give me comments and feedback; we all need encouragement.

Errol Weiss Schlabach

Friday, April 5, 2013

Music: Temporal Art

Music is a temporal art, 
sculpting a block of time with a form.  
Errol Weiss Schlabach

Thursday, April 4, 2013

North Korea was predicted by Peter Sellers!!!

North Korea Preview-Peter Sellers At His Best

As this ridiculous saber rattling goes on from North Korea, please run, procure, watch and savor the classic, “The Mouse That Roared”,

a 1959 film that seems to have been prophetic and clairvoyant in its plot.
Besides the relevancy of its content, it’s the actor, Peter Sellers at his brilliant best genius!

Please give me some feedback and comments on my metaphor mating.

Sincerely, Errol