Sunday, September 16, 2012

A Pattern Practice Method That Works


Seeking, collecting, and cellaring classic vintage patterns will give you material for a never ending rich supply of fresh, interesting ideas to practice.

Select new vintages whenever your present routine becomes dull, monotonous, dreary, tedious and stale.  Visit your tasting room and choose the vintages and bouquets that appeal to your current fancy, fetish, relish, or
----lust?.   Having formed the new pattern routine, commit it to memory and build the ability to perform it in every key, major and minor (if this applies).

The goal is to internalize it by daily practice until it enters your deep recessive mental pool, the rich reservoir of your unconscious store of ability.  This stage is achieved when the pattern becomes dull, monotonous, dreary, tedious and stale.  Now go to the tasting room for a new vintage.

It might be days, weeks, or years, but suddenly that retired pattern will surface as you read, hear, or improvise music, vividly screaming in your ‘aural imagination’.  Always remember: your ability to play music  well requires: “an intensity of concentration and a vivid aural imagination” (Andre Watts).

Please leave comments and opinions for me about this blog: IT IS very important for me, in order to continue this blog,  to HEAR YOUR COMMENTS!!!.  I hope it helps in your passionate quest of music.
Errol Weiss Schlabach

1 comment:

  1. This approach to practice will make playing
    your instrument as if in conversation, even as with yourself, and
    it will be effortless!
