Monday, August 6, 2012

Playing From The Shoulder


Since beginning to play our instruments, this command has been heard again and again and again: “Relax!;—Relax your wrists!;—Relax your fingers!;--etc., etc!”

What does that really mean and how do you do it?

You've played a passage beautifully and your fingers, wrists, forearms, and biceps felt light and effortless.  There was no thought of fingers or finger motion; only the thought of how the music should sound.  How were you able to be in this mental state of Zen?

Something must support and keep the muscles, tendons, and bones stable for that effortless movement! Actually there are two 'somethings': your two shoulders.  The command of advice we’ve heard all these years was only half stated: the whole statement should be, “Relax your fingers, wrists, and arms; play from the shoulders!”.  By feeling those strong shoulder muscles hold the arms, wrists, and hands, you can move with freedom, fast and lith.  The fingers should feel limp, dropping and bouncing on and off the tone holes, rings, and keys.  I did not say they were light on the keys!  Rather, they move through the motions as athletes, with an athletic wind up and follow through: as in a golf swing – a tennis volley – a beautiful dive off a springboard – a graceful bounce off the surface of a taut trampoline.

I hope you like the advice.  Please give me feedback and comments.
Errol Weiss Schlabach


  1. This has to be my favorite post! I absolutely love the way you describe finger movement on the keys. As I read, I found myself tapping my fingers, trying to recreate each motion you described. Tennis volley and taut trampoline were the two that resonated most with me, but I can see how all would fit. I know accolades from a beginner may seem trivial, but I send them nonetheless!

  2. The strength of your playing only is manifest when the fingers move
    with relaxed ease, minimum effort, and no conscious thought of control.
    The moment you try to consciously play a certain certain something, it will fail, for
    when you perform, your subconscious works 20,000 times faster than your subconscious mind.
    Trust your instincts!
    Sincerely, Errol



  3. This will help you tone the fine small muscles of the fingers, and the fine movements, which are the real builders of speed and accuracy, acquired by slow thoughtful, conscious movements. Sincerely, Errol

  4. Imagery may be the best method to relax.

  5. Imagery may be the best method to relax.
