Friday, July 26, 2013

2 Ways to live your life: by nature, or by grace!

How will you live your life?

There are two ways of embracing life:
Approach it by nature, or by grace.

If by grace, we love by giving,  
with complete acceptance of the beloved,
with no expectations or contingencies to be fulfilled;

If by nature, the love we give will be fulfilling to one's self, 
controlling, with expectations and limits upon the beloved.

Those who live by grace?: 
---never reap a bad end.

God Bless,
Errol Weiss Schlabach

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Play another Paquito piece, Cantrodanze

Paquito’s composition.
A great read and lesson in control!
July 25, 2013

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Play 'Tico tico', Paquito DeRivera's version!

I transcribed this from Paquito's 1996 recording.  Enjoy!!!

Please reverse the 2nd &  3 rd pages.  Thank you.

Haiku poem on Love's mystery by Errol

Haiku on Love's Mystery

Soul in desert sands;

Cool breeze carries to nice niche:

Ceaseless spellbound rapture!

July 23/24, 2013

Errol Weiss Schlabach

Please give me feedback and comments!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Poem!: Errol Writes of the Evolution of Man!

Errol’s ‘Leaves Of Grass’

Whitman wrote ‘Leaves Of Grass’,
Alluding to the multitude of peoples;
Of the earth, ---of all Times;
Of their crafts, ---all their crimes!

I write of nighttime ‘Leaves Of Grass’:
The Billions!,
Holding thousands of Glow-Worm shimmers,
Their light-filled glimmers;
What life they accord the dusk!

Whether by the action rush of all Time’s peoples;
Whether by a billion grasses,
With Glow-Worm’s slowly climbing;
Civilization flourishes by ‘Leaves Of Grass’!

July 23, 2013
Errol Weiss Schlabach

Please leave comment and feedback!
Errol Weiss Schlabach

Friday, July 19, 2013

Watch Errol Soloing on Long Island this summer with the Nassau Pops!

Watch Errol Soloing on Long Island this summer with the Nassau Pops!

Just type 'Errol Weiss' into the
Youtube search bar.

Please give me comments and feedback.
Sincerely & God Bless,
Errol Weiss Schlabach

Great 'Dizzy' advice for all improvisors!!!

Here’s a blog for all improvising musicians.

This is a Dizzy Gillespie quote:

“Some people have a note(s) and put a beat to it; some people have a beat and put a note(s) to it.”
Having said that, he walked away, as a true master, to leave the listener to figure it out.

Clue: He did the latter;
Who could have swung more.

Sincerely and God Bless,
Errol Weiss Schlabach

Please leave feedback and comments!